The Los Alamos Police Department administration serves citizens, other law enforcement agencies, courts, attorneys, and insurance agencies, as well as customers internal to Los Alamos County, including the Los Alamos Police Department and local courts. Along with records management, our administrators manage Crime Victims Reparation Commission grants that partially fund the Victim Assistant position, traffic safety grants, serve within the Chief of Police, assist with budget management, and numerous other tasks that help keep the department running smoothly.

Records is the customer service contact for public record requests, local county background checks (for citizens, law enforcement agencies, federal investigators, or other agencies), crime reports, accidents, citations, as well as Dispatch reports (calls for service and logs), or any other item related to case reports.
Records is also responsible for case management,
timekeeping for the department, monthly statistical reporting, data compilation, and civil process tracking.

Victim Assistant
The Victim Assistant (VA) serves the county of Los Alamos in providing services and support for victims of domestic violence, harassment, stalking, abuse, and sexual offenses. The VA also acts as a liaison between victims and organizations that support victims with various resources based on the individual needs in various situations.