Emergency Management
Beverley Simpson, Los Alamos County Emergency Manager, the Office of Emergency Managements (OEM) mission is to protect Los Alamos County through regional and local partnerships and integrating all activities necessary to build, sustain and improve the capacity to effectively and efficiently mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, acts of terrorism or other man-made disasters.

Emergency Support
While we cannot eliminate natural hazards, we will continue to work on ways to improve our ability to plan for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate against disasters that can potentially affect the residents of Los Alamos County. We will continue to work closely with our community, local, state and federal partners to ensure our community is resilient

Emergency Prepared
OEM activates the Emergency Operations Center (EOC); coordinates information and resources during a disaster; supports first responders; writes emergency plans; trains public safety agencies; holds exercises on disaster response and recovery; maintains public warning systems; manages Federal grant funds; assists in disaster declarations and educates and prepares our community for disasters.